
Students at Casili Elementary School have to cross a river every time to attend classes. As such they are at risk. Thus, volunteers from UP Mountaineers, in coordination with SMART is providing a few sessions of Basic Swimming lessons to them.

The Team: Sinag De Leon

Sinag De Leon has always been a nature lover and an outdoors person. She got into swimming early on at age 13 joining the UP Integrated School (UPIS) Varsity Swimming Team and eventually becoming the Team Captain. During college she was recruited to join the University of the Philippines Varsity Swimming Team in Diliman and was also elected Women's Team Captain in her senior year.

Through the initiative of swim coaches Noel K. Rivera and Bernie Cavida, she got into triathlons in 1993 and became a member of the National Triathlon Team from 1997-98. She joined adventure races in 2002, as well as Ironman Triathlons, finishing twice in the Australian Ironman Triathlon (2002 & 2004). She also got involved in running and dragonboat rowing.

In college she actively got involved with 3 orgs - UP Haribon (1990), UP Marine Biological Society (1990) and the UP Mountaineers (1992). She became president in both UP Haribon and UP Mountaineers.

She was also one of the swim coaches of Aqualogic Swim Co. (2006 to 08). She recently became a UP Mountaineers' Water Search and Rescue Group in 2012. She appreciates what she's learning from instructors like Romi Garduce as it's very different from competitive swimming. This time her focus is on helping others & sharing her knowledge and skills.

Trivia: She was one of the mermaids in the TV show "Marina".

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As featured on GMA 7's 24 Oras.


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